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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

between toddlers and chimps

Or at least it depends on the battle. In fact telling a Picasso from a Monet for example, should be easy for a chimpanze have been trained to do it. Scientists taught these small-brained species that chambers next to pictures by one or other of these artists contained food. When later presented with new Picassos and Monets, they were more likely to opt for the artist whose work had previously led them to a reward meaning they had picked up on underlying stylistic differences. Many skills that weconsider complex are in fact the result of relatively simple and often universal cognitive abilities shared by a great many species
There is little distance between toddlers and chimps (Credit: Boaz Rottem / Alamy)
There is little distance between toddlers and chimpsrediBoaz RottemAlamy)
In reality, when it comes to cognitive development, the divide between infant chimpanzees and infant humans is often startlingly small. So small in fact that psychologists once wondered if the key difference between the two species was not our underlying mental machinery, but the cultural traditions and recorded knowledge that humans had accumulated through the ages.Perhaps if an infant chimpanzee was raised in an exclusively human environment it would acquire human abilities, complete with language competency and table


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